What is OTTO?

OTTO is a self-driving vehicle designed to increase throughput and reduce operational costs in factories, warehouses and distribution centers. 

Learn more about OTTO

(c) Clearpath, 2019

VP Product, OTTO Motors

Senior Marketing Manager, OTTO Motors


Preview Webinar Content

The State of the Manufacturing Industry


OTTO Motors and the AMR Stack


3 Autonomous Forklift Use Cases


How OTTO Lifter Solves Common Safety Challenges


Safety by Design: Maximizing Speed and Safety Together


Building Safe, Autonomous Forklifts

In this session, Dave Northup, our Director of Product Management, will walk you through our journey of deploying OTTO Lifter and how you can deploy fully autonomous forklifts and increase workplace safety along the way. 

In this webinar, you’ll learn how OTTO tapped into our existing portfolio of AMRs with a proven safety track record to build Lifter. We also discuss what safety considerations were required when developing Lifter, and how we incorporated state-of-the-art advances in planning and machine vision. Lastly, we dive into the details of various tests which were necessary to extend full autonomy beyond low-profile AMRs.
