What is OTTO?

OTTO is a self-driving vehicle designed to increase throughput and reduce operational costs in factories, warehouses and distribution centers. 

Learn more about OTTO

(c) Clearpath, 2019

VP Product, OTTO Motors

Senior Marketing Manager, OTTO Motors


Meet OTTO 1200, The Highest Performance AMR for Heavy-Payloads



To keep up with ever-changing consumer demands, manufacturers are constantly exploring innovative ways to optimize their plant layout with the end goal of maximizing overall throughput. With limited floor space availability in mind, OTTO Motors has introduced OTTO 1200: the high throughput AMR that can navigate quickly and safely in tight spaces, without sacrificing heavy-payload capacity.

Learn how OTTO 1200 enables you to:

  • Maximize throughput with sophisticated features that deliver best-in-class average speeds while ensuring safety
  • Automate countless applications even in the tightest manufacturing spaces
  • Reduce downtime through quick and simplified maintenance